Roman Stampfli mainly works in civil, criminal and administrative litigation, including criminal law, economic criminal law, employment law, leasing law and contract law.
October 31, 1985
The day has come .
Becomes passionate about sailing, the regattas unleashing a fierce spirit of competition that would never leave him.
Starts sailing with Didier Bottge.
Septembre 1999
Receives an internship offer from Didier Bottge, and makes it his mission to do whatever he needs to do to become a lawyer.
What happens in high school stays in high school.
Studies at the University of Geneva, preferring kite-surfing and skiing as extracurricular activities.
Graduates from Geneva Law School.
22 août 2011
Begins his two-year internship at BOTTGE & ASSOCIES.
8 janvier 2012
Spends an entire night searching for a document that he’s never seen before, only to be told after 16 hours of searching that the document wasn’t even in the office in the first place; learns the value of dedication to one’s firm.
2 juin 2012, 13h00
Tries paragliding, without lessons or an instructor, by taking off alone from a mountain pass.
2 juin 2012, 13h20
Lands intact, but decides to give up paragliding (for the next five years, at least).
29 mai 2013
Receives his licence to practise law while on holiday…
… and returns to finish his internship by 31 August 2013.
1er septembre 2013 - 30 août 2014
Works as an associate at a prestigious law firm in Geneva (not us).
1er septembre 2014
14 octobre 2017
Becomes a certified paraglider.
Continues to devote body and soul to our firm and clients in order to achieve the goals of all concerned, no matter what it takes.